Weather and hotel reservations in Zabljak (Zabljak), Montenegro

  • Temperature:
High: +17°Low: +6°

Feels Like:+15°


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7-day weather forecast for Zabljak (Zabljak) offers a current weather forecast in any other city worldwide and helps to book the hotel you are looking for.

Need a current weather forecast for today in Zabljak (Zabljak)?

Both day and night temperatures will be at about +17ºC and +6ºC.

Winds will persist through the day from the east at 3.33 km/h.

Other weather conditions will include 41% of humidity, 6% of cloudiness and atmospheric pressure near 1021 hPa.

Interested in a current weather in Zabljak (Zabljak) for tomorrow?

The minimum temperature for April 30: +4ºC and the highest temperature: +15ºC.

East-northeast winds at 2.50 km/h. Tomorrow’s average humidity is 41%.

The atmospheric pressure will be 1020 hPa and 0% of cloudiness.

Looking for a current weather prediction in Zabljak (Zabljak) for this weekend?

The minimum temperature on Saturday will be +1ºC and the highest temperature will be near +3ºC.

South-southwest winds at 2.22 km/h. Today’s average humidity is 41%.

Cloud coverage will be 100% and the atmospheric pressure will be near 1016 hPa.

Here is an FAQ for USA travelers visiting Zabljak in Montenegro:

Q: What is interesting when you travel to the city?
A: Zabljak is an ideal destination for travelers who love nature and the great outdoors. The city is located near the Durmitor National Park, which offers breathtaking landscapes, crystal-clear lakes, and a range of outdoor activities like hiking, rafting, and skiing.

Q: When is the best time to visit Zabljak?
A: The best time to visit Zabljak is during the months of June to September when the weather is pleasant, and the temperature ranges from 50°F to 75°F. However, if you are interested in winter sports, then the months of December to March are the best to visit.

Q: What events should travelers attend in Zabljak?
A: Zabljak hosts several events throughout the year such as the Durmitor Ring Race in July, the Zabljak Trail Race in August, and the Ski Opening in December.

Q: Can you recommend some hotels and explain why they need to choose these hotels?
A: Yes, some recommended hotels in Zabljak are Hotel Soa, Hotel Polar Star, and Bianca Resort & Spa. These hotels offer comfortable accommodations, excellent facilities, and stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

Q: What is the high and low season for this city?
A: The high season in Zabljak is from June to September when the weather is pleasant for outdoor activities, and the low season is from October to May when the weather is cold and snowy.

Q: What is the temperature during the year in Zabljak?
A: The temperature in Zabljak varies throughout the year. The average temperature ranges from 28°F in January to 62°F in July.

Q: What is the temperature during the year in Zabljak by month?
A: The temperature in Zabljak by month ranges from 21°F to 46°F in January, 23°F to 49°F in February, 28°F to 53°F in March, 36°F to 62°F in April, 45°F to 70°F in May, 50°F to 75°F in June, 56°F to 79°F in July, 57°F to 77°F in August, 47°F to 66°F in September, 38°F to 53°F in October, 30°F to 41°F in November, and 24°F to 36°F in December.

Q: What is the number of rainy days in Zabljak?
A: The number of rainy days in Zabljak varies throughout the year. The average number of rainy days ranges from 12 days in May to 17 days in November.

Q: What is the number of rainy days in Zabljak by month?
A: The number of rainy days in Zabljak by month ranges from 15 days in January, 13 days in February, 13 days in March, 14 days in April, 12 days in May, 14 days in June, 11 days in July, 10 days in August, 12 days in September, 16 days in October, 17 days in November, and 14 days in December.

Q: What is the number of sunny days in Zabljak?
A: The number of sunny days in Zabljak varies throughout the year. The average number of sunny days ranges from 213 days in July to 87 days in December.

Q: What is the number of sunny days in Zabljak by month?
A: The number of sunny days in Zabljak by month ranges from 102 days in January, 109 days in February, 127 days in March, 144 days in April, 184 days in May, 213 days in June, 213 days in July, 199 days in August, 160 days in September, 109 days in October, 87 days in November, and 59 days in December.

Looking for a place to stay in Zabljak (Zabljak)?

Our recommendation is Hotel Soa with rating 8.4 in Zabljak (Zabljak). You are free to choose more hotels in Zabljak (Zabljak) here.

Zabljak (Zabljak)
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