Weather and hotels in Contant (Saint John), United States Virgin Islands

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High: +27°Low: +26°

Feels Like:+26°


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7-day weather forecast for Contant (Saint John) provides a short weather forecast for 7 days in any city in the world and helps to find the hotel you like.

Interested in the weather in Contant (Saint John) for today?

Temperatures will reach a high near +27ºC and will dip through the evening to +26ºC.

During the day, the wind will come from the east-northeast at 9.17 km/h.

It's forecasted 76% of humidity, followed by 1014 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 100% of cloudiness.

We anticipate wet weather with light rain and 5.08 mm of precipitation.

So don’t leave home without your umbrella.

What is a short weather forecast for tomorrow in Contant (Saint John)?

Maximum temperature tomorrow near +27ºC and minimum temperature near +26ºC.

East-northeast winds at 10.56 km/h. Tomorrow’s average humidity is 76%.

It’s followed by 1015 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 30% cloud coverage.

Looking for a short weather forecast in Contant (Saint John) for this weekend?

Maximum Saturday’s temperature will be near +28ºC and minimum temperature will be near +27ºC.

East winds at 6.11 km/h. Today’s average humidity is 76%.

The atmospheric pressure will be 1014 hPa and 27% of cloudiness.

FAQ for USA travelers for Contant (Saint John) in United States Virgin Islands:

Q: What is interesting when you travel to the city?
A: Contant (Saint John) is a scenic and peaceful destination surrounded by the beauty of nature. You can explore the stunning beaches, historic landmarks, and ecological wonders.

Q: What is the best time to visit the city?
A: The peak tourist season in Contant (Saint John) is from December to April when the weather is most pleasant. However, the off-season from May to November offers lower prices and fewer crowds.

Q: What events should travelers attend?
A: There are many events throughout the year, including the St. John Festival in June and the Love City Triathlon & Aquathon in October.

Q: Can you recommend some hotels and explain why they need to choose these hotels?
A: A few recommended hotels in Contant (Saint John) include The Westin St. John Resort Villas, Caneel Bay Resort, and Gallows Point Resort. These hotels offer great amenities, excellent service, and prime locations for exploring the island.

Q: What is the high and low season for this city?
A: The high season in Contant (Saint John) is from December to April, and the low season is from May to November.

Q: What is the temperature during the year in Contant (Saint John)?
A: The temperature range is between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Q: What is the temperature during the year in Contant (Saint John) by month?
A: The temperature varies from 71-76°F in December to 78-90°F in August.

Q: What is the number of rainy days in Contant (Saint John)?
A: The average number of rainy days per month is around 12-14.

Q: What is the number of rainy days in Contant (Saint John) by month?
A: The number of rainy days varies from 10-16 days in December to 15-18 days in September.

Q: What is the number of sunny days in Contant (Saint John)?
A: The average number of sunny days per month is around 20-22.

Q: What is the number of sunny days in Contant (Saint John) by month?
A: The number of sunny days varies from 21-23 days in December to 23-26 days in July.

Looking for a place to stay in Contant (Saint John)?

We can recommend St John Inn in Contant (Saint John) (rating: 5.0) for a pleasant stay. You can also choose more hotels in Contant (Saint John).

Contant (Saint John)
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Rooms and Guests2 Guests, 1 Room
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Contant (Saint John) hotels