Weather and accommodation in Barddhaman, India

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High: +44°Low: +26°

Feels Like:+44°


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7-day weather forecast for Barddhaman provides the latest weather forecast for the next 7 days in any city worldwide and helps to find the hotel you like.

Need the latest weather forecast for today in Barddhaman?

Maximum daytime temperature will be +44ºC and the minimum +26ºC.

During the day, the wind will come from the south at 6.11 km/h.

Other weather conditions will include 10% of humidity, 1% of cloudiness and atmospheric pressure near 1004 hPa.

Interested in the latest weather in Barddhaman for tomorrow?

Maximum temperature tomorrow near +45ºC and minimum temperature near +28ºC.

It’s forecasted 10% of humidity, followed with west-northwest winds.

The atmospheric pressure will be 1004 hPa and 42% of cloudiness.

Q: What is interesting when you travel to Barddhaman in India?
A: Barddhaman, a city in the state of West Bengal in India, is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. The city has numerous temples and historical sites that attract visitors from all over the world. Some of the notable attractions in Barddhaman include the Curzon Gate, the Barddhaman Rajbari Palace, and the Meghnad Saha Planetarium.

Q: When is the best time to visit Barddhaman?
A: The best time to visit Barddhaman is during the months of October to March, when the weather is pleasant and cool.

Q: What events should travelers attend in Barddhaman?
A: There are several festivals and events that take place in Barddhaman throughout the year. Some of the notable ones include the Durga Puja festival, which usually takes place in September-October, and the Barddhaman Utsav, a cultural festival that celebrates the rich heritage of the city.

Q: Can you recommend some hotels in Barddhaman?
A: There are several good hotels in Barddhaman catering to the needs of travelers from all over the world. Some of the top-rated ones include The Citi Residenci, The Fern Residency, and Neelanjana Hotels. They offer excellent amenities and services at affordable prices.

Q: What is the high and low season for Barddhaman?
A: The high season for Barddhaman is from October to March when the weather is pleasant and cool. The low season is from April to September when the weather becomes hot and humid.

Q: What is the temperature during the year in Barddhaman?
A: The temperature in Barddhaman varies from 20°C to 35°C throughout the year.

Q: What is the temperature during the year in Barddhaman by month?
A: In January, the temperature ranges from 8°C to 24°C. In February, the temperature ranges from 12°C to 28°C. In March, the temperature ranges from 20°C to 36°C. In April, the temperature ranges from 24°C to 38°C. In May, the temperature ranges from 25°C to 38°C. In June, the temperature ranges from 26°C to 36°C. In July, the temperature ranges from 26°C to 34°C. In August, the temperature ranges from 26°C to 34°C. In September, the temperature ranges from 25°C to 34°C. In October, the temperature ranges from 22°C to 31°C. In November, the temperature ranges from 14°C to 28°C. In December, the temperature ranges from 9°C to 24°C.

Q: What number of rainy days in Barddhaman?
A: Barddhaman experiences moderate to heavy rainfall during the monsoon season, which lasts from June to September.

Q: What number of rainy days in Barddhaman by month?
A: In June, the city experiences an average of 16 rainy days. In July, 21 rainy days are expected. In August, the city experiences an average of 19 rainy days. In September, on average, there are 13 rainy days in Barddhaman.

Q: What number of sunny days in Barddhaman?
A: Barddhaman has a tropical climate, and visitors can expect plenty of sunshine throughout the year.

Q: What number of sunny days in Barddhaman by month?
A: In January, the city experiences an average of 9 sunny days. In February, there are 10 sunny days. In March, there are 11 sunny days. In April, there are 9 sunny days. In May, there are 8 sunny days. In June, there are 6 sunny days. In July, there are 5 sunny days. In August, there are 6 sunny days. In September, there are 7 sunny days. In October, there are 9 sunny days. In November, there are 8 sunny days. In December, there are 9 sunny days.

Looking for a place to stay in Barddhaman?

Sinclairs Burdwan rated 7.8 is a good choice for your stay. Find more hotels in Barddhaman.

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