Brown University in Providence

1 Prospect St

Brown University

Brown University in Providence is one of the most prestigious universities in the United States. Founded in 1764, it is in the top-ten oldest colleges in the United States and a part of the Ivy League. The university is known for its liberal arts education and strong research programs, attracting some of the brightest students from across the globe. The campus of Brown University is located in the heart of Providence, Rhode Island, and covers over 140 acres of land. It includes 235 buildings, each with its unique architecture, and offers a wide range of academic programs to choose from, including engineering, computer science, biology, history, and many more.

While visiting the campus, tourists can take a guided tour, which lasts about 90 minutes, and offers a glimpse into the university's rich history, architecture, and culture. Also, visitors can explore the Pembroke Campus, which was the former women's college of Brown. One of the most well-known landmarks on campus is the John Hay Library, which houses an extensive collection of rare and unique books and archives, including early works by William Shakespeare, medieval manuscripts, and American historic documents. Visitors can explore this impressive library through guided tours or by booking a research appointment.

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