La Libertad (El Salvador): Weather for the next 7 days and hotels

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High: +30°Low: +26°

Feels Like:+30°


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7-day weather forecast for La Libertad provides a current weather forecast for the next week in any city worldwide and helps to find the hotel you like.

Need a current weather forecast for today in La Libertad?

Maximum daytime temperature will be +30ºC and the minimum +26ºC.

Winds will persist through the day from the south at 4.72 km/h.

The atmospheric pressure is forecasted to be 1012 hPa with 66% of humidity, and 87% of cloudiness.

We anticipate dry weather with light rain and 0.74 mm of precipitation.

So don't go outside without your umbrella.

Interested in a current weather in La Libertad for tomorrow?

Maximum daytime temperature for April 30: +31ºC and minimum nighttime temperature: +27ºC.

Average humidity 66%. Average winds will be south at 4.72 km/h.

It’s followed by 1011 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 100% cloud coverage.

Looking for a current weather prediction in La Libertad for this weekend?

Saturday’s maximum daytime temperature: +31ºC and minimum nighttime temperature: +27ºC.

Average humidity 66%. Average winds will be south at 4.72 km/h.

The atmospheric pressure will be 1009 hPa and 1% of cloudiness.

FAQ for USA travelers for La Libertad in El Salvador:

1. What is interesting when you travel to the city?
La Libertad is a popular destination for surfers from all over the world. The city is also known for its beautiful beaches, fresh seafood, and vibrant nightlife. Visitors can explore the local markets, enjoy an authentic pupusa, or simply lounge on the beach soaking up the sun.

2. When is the best time to visit the city?
The best time to visit La Libertad is from December to April when the weather is dry and sunny. However, visitors can travel to the city all year round.

3. What events travelers should attend?
There are several events that travelers can attend in La Libertad such as the Semana Santa celebrations or the Beach Party during New Year's Eve.

4. Can you recommend some hotels and explain why they need to choose these hotels?
Some recommended hotels in La Libertad are Casa de Mar Hotel and Resort, Boca Olas Resort Villas, and Hotel Los Farallones. Casa de Mar Hotel and Resort is a beachfront hotel that offers modern rooms and great amenities. Boca Olas Resort Villas is a luxurious resort that provides guests with private villas and excellent customer service. Hotel Los Farallones is a budget-friendly hotel that offers comfortable rooms and a scenic ocean view.

5. What is the high and low season for this city?
The high season for La Libertad is from December to April, while the low season is from May to November.

6. What temperature during the year in La Libertad?
The temperature in La Libertad ranges from 75°F to 85°F.

7. What temperature during the year in La Libertad by month?
January: 80°F
February: 80°F
March: 82°F
April: 83°F
May : 81°F
June: 79°F
July: 78°F
August: 77°F
September: 78°F
October: 79°F
November: 79°F
December: 80°F

8. What number of rainy days in La Libertad?
La Libertad experiences an average of 150 rainy days per year.

9. What number of rainy days in La Libertad by month?
January: 7 rainy days
February: 4 rainy days
March: 3 rainy days
April: 4 rainy days
May: 13 rainy days
June: 27 rainy days
July: 30 rainy days
August: 28 rainy days
September: 26 rainy days
October: 20 rainy days
November: 10 rainy days
December: 8 rainy days

10. What number of sunny days in La Libertad?
La Libertad experiences an average of 215 sunny days per year.

11. What number of sunny days in La Libertad by month?
January: 23 sunny days
February: 24 sunny days
March: 27 sunny days
April: 27 sunny days
May: 18 sunny days
June: 2 sunny days
July: 1 sunny day
August: 2 sunny days
September: 4 sunny days
October: 10 sunny days
November: 20 sunny days
December: 22 sunny days.

Looking for a place to stay in La Libertad?

Acantilados and Hotel Los Farallones are the most recommended by guests. Feel free to check more hotels or resorts in La Libertad.

La Libertad
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Rooms and Guests2 Guests, 1 Room
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