Weather and hotels for a week in Buin, Chile

  • Temperature:
High: +21°Low: +9°

Feels Like:+17°


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    Partly Sunny
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    Mostly Cloudy
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7-day weather forecast for Buin provides a current weather forecast for a week in any city worldwide and helps to find the hotel you like.

Need a current weather forecast for today in Buin?

Maximum daytime temperature will be +21ºC and the minimum +9ºC.

Winds will persist through the day from the west-northwest at 3.06 km/h.

Other weather conditions will include 35% of humidity, 1% of cloudiness and atmospheric pressure near 1018 hPa.

Interested in a current weather in Buin for tomorrow?

The minimum temperature for April 28: +9ºC and the highest temperature: +19ºC.

Northwest winds at 3.61 km/h. Tomorrow’s average humidity is 35%.

The atmospheric pressure will be 1013 hPa and 100% of cloudiness.

Here are some answers to your questions about Buin in Chile:

Q: What is interesting when you travel to the city?
A: Buin is known for its wine production, so one interesting thing to do is to visit some of the local wineries and sample their wines. The city also has several historic buildings, such as the Church of San Pedro and the Casa Patronal de Buin, which are worth visiting.

Q: When is the best time to visit the city?
A: The best time to visit Buin is during the summer months of December to February, when the weather is warm and dry.

Q: What events travelers should attend?
A: Buin celebrates its annual Fiesta de la Vendimia (Wine Harvest Festival) in March, which is a great event for travelers who are interested in wine. The city also hosts a rodeo every year in February, which is a popular event for locals and visitors alike.

Q: Can you recommend some hotels and explain why they need to choose these hotels?
A: Some recommended hotels in Buin are the Hotel Casa Sur, which is known for its friendly staff and comfortable rooms, and the Hotel Boutique Casas de Viñedos, which is located in the heart of the local vineyards and offers beautiful views.

Q: What is the high and low season for this city?
A: The high season for Buin is during the summer months of December to February, while the low season is during the winter months of June to August.

Q: What temperature during the year in Buin?
A: The temperature in Buin ranges from about 8°C (46°F) in the winter to 30°C (86°F) in the summer.

Q: What is the temperature during the year in Buin by month?
A: Here is a breakdown of the average temperature in Buin by month:
- December to February: 20-30°C (68-86°F)
- March to May: 10-20°C (50-68°F)
- June to August: 5-15°C (41-59°F)
- September to November: 10-25°C (50-77°F)

Q: What number of rainy days in Buin?
A: On average, Buin receives about 150-200mm of rainfall per year.

Q: What number of rainy days in Buin by month?
A: Here is a breakdown of the average number of rainy days in Buin by month:
- December to February: 0-2 days
- March to May: 3-6 days
- June to August: 7-10 days
- September to November: 3-6 days

Q: What number of sunny days in Buin?
A: Buin receives about 300-350 sunny days per year.

Q: What number of sunny days in Buin by month?
A: Here is a breakdown of the average number of sunny days in Buin by month:
- December to February: 25-30 days
- March to May: 15-20 days
- June to August: 5-10 days
- September to November: 20-25 days.

Looking for a place to stay in Buin?

Looking for a place to stay? See our top-rated Buin hotels to fit your budget.

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