Weather and hotels in Axams, Austria

  • Temperature:
High: +16°Low: +6°
Partly Sunny

Feels Like:+16°


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7-day weather forecast for Axams offers an up-to-date weather forecast in any other city in the world and helps to book the hotel you are looking for.

Interested in the weather in Axams for today?

Temperatures will reach a high near +16ºC and will dip through the evening to +6ºC.

Winds will persist through the day from the south at 3.61 km/h.

Other weather conditions will include 46% of humidity, 40% of cloudiness and atmospheric pressure near 1015 hPa.

What is an up-to-date weather forecast for tomorrow in Axams?

Maximum temperature tomorrow near +20ºC and minimum temperature near +6ºC.

South winds at 2.78 km/h. Tomorrow’s average humidity is 46%.

Cloud coverage will be 100% and the atmospheric pressure will be near 1018 hPa.

Looking for an up-to-date weather forecast in Axams for this weekend?

Maximum Saturday’s temperature will be near +19ºC and minimum temperature will be near +4ºC.

South-southwest winds at 1.94 km/h. Today’s average humidity is 46%.

1013 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 55% cloud coverage.

FAQ for USA travelers for Axams in Austria:

Q: What is interesting when You travel to the city?
A: Axams is located in the heart of the Alps, surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. The city offers a range of winter and summer sports activities, such as skiing, snowboarding, hiking, and mountain climbing. Axams is also known for its cultural heritage, with numerous churches and museums to explore.

Q: When is the best time to visit the city?
A: The best time to visit Axams is during the winter months from December to February for skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts. The summer months from June to August are ideal for hiking and other outdoor activities.

Q: What events should travelers attend?
A: Axams hosts numerous cultural and sports events throughout the year, including the Axamer Dorffest in August, the Axamer Wampelerreiten in January, and the Axamer Läufe race in September.

Q: Can you recommend some hotels and explain why they need to choose these hotels?
A: Yes, I can recommend the Hotel Alpenrose and Hotel Kögele as they offer comfortable accommodations, excellent service, and a range of amenities such as spa and wellness facilities, restaurants, and bars.

Q: What is the high and low season for this city?
A: The high season in Axams runs from December to February for skiing and snowboarding, while the low season is from April to May and September to November.

Q: What temperature during the year in Axams?
A: The temperature in Axams varies throughout the year, with an average temperature of 13°C.

Q: What temperature during the year in Axams by month?
A: The temperature in Axams ranges from a high of 25°C in July to a low of -5°C in January.

Q: What number of rainy days in Axams?
A: Axams receives an average of 129 rainy days per year.

Q: What number of rainy days in Axams by month?
A: The rainy season in Axams runs from May to August, with an average of 15 to 16 rainy days per month during this period.

Q: What number of sunny days in Axams?
A: Axams receives an average of 200 sunny days per year.

Q: What number of sunny days in Axams by month?
A: The sunniest months in Axams are June and July, with an average of 25 sunny days per month.

Looking for a place to stay in Axams?

We can recommend Hotel Kogele Mit Restaurant Bei Innsbruck Axamer Lizum in Axams (rating: 8.2) for a pleasant stay. You can also choose more hotels in Axams.

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